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Regulatory and governmental scrutiny is on the rise while the volume of unstructured digital content is growing exponentially — much of it outside the reach of your legacy governance architecture. 

It's time to build a scalable infogov strategy (you can actually execute) for unstructured data in the cloud to fill the growing gaps your existing systems and policies are missing.  Join us for a conversation about how you can transform governance of cloud content to reduce risk, improve productivity and drive digital transformation.
We'll cover:
    • Policy best practices — including retention, disposition and eDiscovery
    • Why you need to extend your governance to the extended enterprise
    • How good governance is foundational to digital transformation

Josh Rosenberg
AIIM Certified Modern Records Management Specialist and Head of Governance Product Marketing, Box

John Frost
Certified Records Manager and past president of ARMA International, Information Governance Specialist, Box

Terry Ellis
20+ years consulting on and implementing Governance strategies, Information Governance Specialist, Box

"Companies have to rethink the way they innovate, collaborate, and organize or they will fail."
- Aaron Levie, Co-founder and CEO, Box