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Building Custom Apps on the Box Platform

Live Webinar
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
10:00 AM PT | 12:00 PM CT | 1:00 PM ET

Digital transformation is putting pressure on organizations to build apps that improve collaboration and enhance experiences with customers and employees.

With Box Platform you get access to Box APIs and the tools you need to integrate Box throughout your organization and build apps that integrate the power of Cloud Content Management. 

In this session, we explore the capabilities and common application patterns for the Box Platform; and provide an overview of our developer tools..

Watch now to learn why:
    • Content is the lifeblood of business processes and vital to engagement inside your organization — and beyond
    • Box Platform content services that use the same technologies that power Box can quickly bring best-in-class content sharing and collaboration to your custom apps
    • Flexible authentication models and powerful tools make it easy for developers to tackle content management challenges

Mike Schwartz
Product Marketing, Box
"Companies have to rethink the way they innovate, collaborate, and organize or they will fail."
- Aaron Levie, Co-founder and CEO, Box